Ethereum: Why didn’t the Taproot installation be buried in Bitcoin Core?
A recently released press release from Bitcoin Inquisition (BI) provoked a debate about the decision not to include Taproot installation in the current Bitcoin Core (BTC Core) version. The Taproot update, originally designed for December 2021, is aimed at improving safety and scalability by introducing a new consensus algorithm Taproot.
As revealed in the press release, Taproot’s installation was not buried in Bitcoin Core for several reasons. In this article, we are immersed in the explanations behind the decision and examine why the installation of Taproot is different from the current Bitcoin Core version.
Reasons for burial of taproot no funeral
- While Bitcoin Core relies on the SHA-256 Work-of-of Work (POW) consensus, Taproot is used by a consensual protocol by the Teta Director (POS). This distinction is essential as it affects the construction of the blockchain and the creation of new blocks.
- Network Compatibility
: Special hardware and software configurations are required to install taproot for proper operation. Bitcoin Core does not have these requirements and is less compatible with the improved taproot algorithm.
- Safety concerns : Some experts argue that burial of taproot installation in the Bitcoin Core may introduce security risks due to various consensual algorithms used. This concern is valid as a vulnerable block or malicious actor can exploit vulnerabilities in any system.
Alternative solutions
- Future version : Bitcoin Core Developers plans to release an updated version of their code base containing taproot installation. This allows users to update to the new algorithm while retaining compatibility with existing features.
- External Tools : Some developers have created external tools and scripts that support both Bitcoin Core and Taproot installation. These devices can be used from the bitcoin core to the taproot or vice versa.
The decision is not to bury the installation of Taproot in Bitcoin Core, the intentional choice caused by the community risks and compatibility issues. Although it may seem contradictory at first, this approach allows the more flexible and adaptable blockchain ecosystem, allowing users to choose the best solution for their needs.
In summary, the installation of taproot is different from Bitcoin Core for the reasons mentioned above. However, as new versions of Bitcoin Core are released, they are likely to provide some support for updating to the new algorithm.